2017 was my first real blogging year and I
managed to achieve quite a lot.
For a start I got the blog going, I got 154
posts down, completed one solo Pathfinder/D&D campaign, posted a few
reviews and I got a solo All Things Zombie campaign started.
All and all it went pretty well. My only regret
was that I wasn’t able to find the time to complete the pseudo play by
email/post Pathfinder campaign. In the end I just bit off a bit more than I
could chew and I wasn’t able to dedicate the time to finish it.
So for this year what’s the plan?

I’ve really enjoyed the All Things Zombie
campaign and I’m going to continue on with that this year but I was a bit
frustrated that I can really only game with it during the weekend and only on
the weekends when I’m at home.

I started reading a few reviews and found some
excellent 15mm sci fi infantry and armoured vehicles but I also found some
small scale space ships and, after watching a little Battlestar Galactica, I
decided to do a campaign using both 5150 Carrier Command and 5150 Battalion
Commander. I’ve ordered some models and over the next little while I’ll make
some terrain, paint some figures and get a few games in. It’ll be interesting
to see how I progress.
So let us see how I go this year. It should be
a cracker.