Azazel runs to each of the unconscious and Stabilises them.
He and Hunulf hurriedly cut the ears off each of the Orcs and then
start to drag the bodies of the Faithful to the thicket of trees. Hunulf grabs
the monsters’ weapons and checks them for any coins. All up he finds 20gp and
the 9 falchions.
Azazel and Hunulf devise a plan. They hide the bodies as quickly as
possible and then whilst Azazel stands guard Hunulf runs to town to find Rob
and Jun. Some two hours later they come but the refuse to go into the bush.
Azazel and Hunulf drag Harti (-11), Frideric (-3), Renard (-8), Ibba
(-8) and Goar (-5) to the cart and they head back to the village.
Exhausted they again seek a private room with Eldred Hester at The
Salty Tusk.
Eldred greets Azazel, “Well I can see you’ve been doing the good work
again at the Caves. Good to see that you’re in better condition this time
Azazel”. Looking at the men being brought in from the cart he remarks, “It
appears that you’ll be needing your room again. Did everyone come back?”
“Yes, everyone is back, but they are all bloody and bruised. Please
bring some food and water. We’re going to need a few days to recover” responds
During the next four days, Azazel and Hunulf tend to the faithful’s
Markis greets Azazel warmly. “Azazel, I’ve heard a great deal about
your recent deeds. Apparently, you bested the Orcs and slaughtered a whole den
of them”
“Hahaha, not quite Castellan” responds Azazel, “it was we that were
nearly wiped out but Asmodeus showed us the power and the way and we were able
to prevail, albeit getting a little banged up in the process”.
Markis hands Azazel a coin pouch “Well hopefully these 90 gold pieces
will help ease the pain a little. If you can clear the Caves, then the trade
will flow freely again through my lands and the raids on the peasants will
stop. We appreciate your help. One thing before you go though. Just be careful of
the lower caves, there are hordes of tiny dog-men there. They mightn’t look
like much individually but in numbers
they can be dangerous.”

“Now we’re talking”, Azazel comments to Hunulf. He immediately orders
a full set of Chain Mail armour for himself and a set of Scale Mail armour for
Renard. He also purchases two long swords for Renard and Harti.
After selling Azazel the armour and weapons, Fenton comments to him,
“I’ve heard that recently a merchant has been imprisoned in the Caves and he
will reward his rescuers. You should go and see if you can rescue him”.
They move on quickly to The Good Trade where they catch Erdan the ½
elf merchant.

During the next few nights at The Salty Tusk the local peasants,
Markis Greylock’s guards and travelers come and go, enjoying the ale and fine
meals provided by Eldred.

On the fourth night, a stout Dwarf, Kirak arrives. Azazel tells Kirak
of their attacks on the Caves and all the gold and glory to be had there.
Plying the Dwarf with booze and stories of great deeds to be had, Kirak agrees
to travel with the Faithful to the Caves to rid the local area of the Orcs for
once and for all….in return for a 25% of the treasure to be had.
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