Round 1a –
Charge of the faithful
Initiative: Hobgoblins 4, Azazel and Acolytes 15,
Mallory and Mercenaries 17
Mallory charges and attacks the first male
hobgoblin but misses.
Ada follows and attacks the first female
hobgoblin but similarly misses.
Renard moves up as far as he can and provides a
southern flank.
Oden moves up and attacks the female hobgoblin. He
critical hits her for 9 pts of damage his spear penetrates her chest cavity,
puncturing her heart. She is instantly slain.
Frideric moves up to provide support to Oden
slapping him on the back as a sign of encouragement.
Azazel turns to Ibba and orders him to get the
others from the front of the cave as reinforcements will be needed before this
fight is over. As Ibba turns and runs, Azazel moves up into position behind
Round 1b –
The Hobgoblins organise
The Hobgoblins test and pass morale. They will
fight on.
As the young hobgoblins run towards the back of
the cave, most of the males and females move to the edges of the room to gather
their shields and bows. Two of the large males draw their long swords and
Gripping his sword two handed, the first strikes
at Mallory. The sword crashes down on Mallory’s shoulder, cutting through his
armour and wounds him for 9 pts of damage.
The second follows the lead of the first,
gripping its sword two handed it lashes out at Renard. The blow gets under Renards
defence, striking true for 8 pts of damage.

Round 2a –
Being so badly wounded, Mallory is gripped with
fear and he turns and runs. As he passes, Azazel yells “Coward, Asmodeus will
have a special place for you in hell.”
Renard grits his teeth and strikes back at the
hobgoblin but his swing is wild and he misses.
Ada raises his arm overhead and strikes down at
the massive fiend and his spear pierces into the monsters’ shoulder. It roars
in pain as it takes 4 points of damage.
Frideric and Odoin move up and stab fruitlessly
with their spears, missing the hobgoblin in the centre of the room.
Azazel moves around between Renard and the
corner, raising his heavy mace above his head he brings it down……missing the
Round 2b –
The Hobgoblins fight back
Drawing her bow, the first female hobgoblin
fires an arrow at Ada but the arrow is deflected by his armour.
The second female steps forward and also shoots
an arrow but misses her target completely.
A male hobgoblin slings his shied and advances
on Frideric but swingly wildly he too misses.
His companion, already in combat, buoyed at his
removal of Mallory from the group, swings in a fierce arc at Ada but Ada
desperately raises his shield at the last minute and deflects the blow.
The male opposite Azazel lashes out but Azazel
easily blocks the puny blow with his mace.
The southern most female makes her way along the
wall until she has a good shot, she raises the bow and aims directly at the
head of Frideric whilst he is distracted, but her shot is wide and she misses.
The last male moves up and stabs at Frideric. The
bade strikes true but the force of the blow is mostly blocked by Frideric’s
armour and he takes only 3 points of damage.
The last female moves back and starts to corral
the young hobgoblins into the far corner away from the danger.
Round 3a – A
new hope! The reinforcements arrive
Ada and Renard stab at the hobgoblins but both
· Similarly, Odoin misses but Frideric gets past
the defence of the hobgoblin without a shield. Striking home, he does 4 points
of damage.
Azazel again raises his mace and attacks the
hobgoblin opposite him but the hobgoblin parries his blow.
· From behind the group, reinforcements arrive as
Walt, Harti, Ibba, Hunulf and Goar come up the passage.

Round 3b –
First blood….to the Hobgoblins
Seeing the reinforcements for the humans the
hobgoblins become more desperate in their attacks.
Whilst the female at the back of the cave ushers
the young away from the danger, the two females in the northwestern area fire
again at Ada but fail to hit.
The heavily wounded hobgoblin again lifts his
long sword two handed, swings and misses.
The two hobgoblins opposite Frideric launch a
vicious series of attacks against the Order of Asmodeus’ Chief Curate dealing 6
points of damage each respectively. Frideric slumps to the ground poleaxed.
The male opposite Azazel raises his sword two
handed and misses, the blade being turned by Azazel’s armour.
The southernmost female, seeing Frideric drop,
instantly changes her aim and targets the Master of Arms Odoin but she misses
and the arrow bounces off the floor as it skittles past him.
Round 4a –
The faithful flood into the fight
Walt runs into the room, turns to the north west,
bypasses Ada and stabs at the female archer. As he strikes her he spitefully
twists the spear dealing 7 points of damage and putting down his opponent.
Knowing that reinforcements have arrived, Ada
takes a 5ft step forward, beginning to flank his wounded opponent but he misses
by the barest of margins.
Harti moves up and pulls Frideric’s body 5ft
back from the fight.
Renard continues to strike at the eastern most
hobgoblin but again misses.
Goar steps up, past Renard and over Frideric’s
body and attacks the hobgoblin in front of him, wounding it slightly for 1
point of damage.
Odoin misses the wounded hobgoblin who is
proving to be very tough.
Ibba is armed with a long two handed spear and
he moves north west a few paces and using his reach strikes at the wounded
Hunulf move up to Frideric’s body and hauls it
out of harm’s way towards him but he doesn’t have enough time to try to heal
him and Frideric bleeds out 1 point.
Azazel strikes at the eastern most male missing
yet again.

Round 4b –
The tide turns against the faithful
The northern most female loads her bow and
launches an arrow at Walt. The arrow strikes true hitting him in his left
shoulder for 2 points of damage.
The heavily wounded male hobgoblin brings down
his sword upon Ada’s head and he barely survives the deadly wound as he suffers
10 points of damage.
The two males opposing Goar grin as they launch
the same deadly attack as they did against Frideric but Goar manages to avoid
both of their blows.
The southernmost female, seeing this, lines up a
shot on Goar, let the arrow fly and …….. misses.
Having no success against Azazel, the eastern
male attacks Renard. It’s a deadly attack, slashing Renards’ midriff, dealing
10 points of damage. Renard slumps to the ground, trying to hold his stomach in
as he passes out.
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