Lucien's mind prioritizes... Humans, save. Goblin, kill. Orcs and kobolds,
save for now, interrogate and kill later, or leverage as hostages against their
own tribes...
Talmark says, “First priority is find out who the humans are, then
question all about what we don't know about the caves and this warren.”
“We can keep the kobolds if possible, or at least use them as barter to
get the loyalty of their tribe. The goblins are useless, and the orcs are
dangerous if not even more useless. Either kill the later 2 or enslave them in
a big way. Depending upon who these humans are enslaving may not be a good idea
to do in front of them. Maybe take them back to our cave and turn them into
undead guards?”
Kord likes this idea of turning the useless humanoids into undead guards
but he know he doesn’t have the power…..yet. He thinks of some different ways
to interrogate the humanoids like falsely befriending them or killing one or
two of their fellows in front of them to incentivize their fellows to talk.
Per says, “I agree that the humans must be saved. I care nothing for the
fate of the other captives and will go along with whatever the group thinks is
best for them - rescue or slaughter.”
One of the orcs visibly cringes at the word slaughter.
Lucien speaks to the others, “My vote is we unlock the humans first, then
one kobold and one orc, rebinding them for control, lead them all out and kill
the other prisoners.”
"We only need one kobold and one orc for information. I am of the opinion it is best to get out of
here quickly when we have liabilities like this and question the prisoners
outside, away from the caves instead of delaying here where there are few
“Takez mez” says one of the orcs, “Iz speakz goodz commonz.”
Talmark begins unfastening the humans while
leaving monsters to the others. "I am Talmark Feldrac," he says
quietly to the humans, "our party is headed back to the Burg. You are
welcome to accompany us. Who might you be?"
As Talmark begins to release the humans the man
speaks first, “Oh thank you my sires. I’ve been trapped here for over two weeks
and I was sure that I was next. I am Mandel of Burg Liechenstein. I am a tailor
and was set to join Dearg, the proprietor of Valor Trading, to work in the Burg
but I was captured by these awful beasts.”

“How did you come here?” Talmark enquires.
“I was captured by Hobgoblins whilst in a caravan traveling to Cettigne
to procure some tools for Berowalt and the smithery. We were surprised as they
had laid in ambush. They killed about half of us and the rest were taken prisoner.
They took us back to their cave and they started eating us one by one. Then one
day they grabbed me and a few of the other prisoners and they dragged me out
and they gave us to these bugbears. It’s no better here. The bugbears torture
us mercilessly. They don’t want information or goods they just want to accrue fear.”
“Where are the others?” asks Talmark.
“They’re all gone,” the maiden replies, “I’m the last one left.” She
starts to weep as she begins to realise that her ordeal maybe over. She looks
up at Talmark with tears whimpering down her face, “Please can we get out of
here before the bugbears come. Can you please take me back to the Berowalt and
the Burg?”
“Shhh it’s alright,” Talmark reassures her. “We’ll get you back to the
Burg, here come with me.”
Talmark leads Geneve and Mandel out of the room.
Lucien calls to the Men at Arms, “Fremont, untie and bind one of the
kobolds and one of the orcs.”
As Fremont begins to untie one of the monsters they all start scrambling
to be let free. A wail of begging ensures. Kord turns to Lucien and says, “Lead
the party a safe distance, Fremont and I will gather the two prisoners you
Lucien ushers the rest of the party from the room and back to the guard
room. A few moments later he faintly feels the wraith of Asmodeus.
Fremont and Kord emerge from the chamber with their two bound prisoners
in tow. Kord has a broad smile on his face and another ½ dozen sets of ears in
his hands. “We’ll that’s the easiest bounty we’ll ever collect,” he wryly
I had a sneaking suspicion that the female captive would be Geneve. How fortuitous!
ReplyDelete"Fortuitous blessings from our Infernal Master indeed," Lucien clasps Kord's shoulder, "cracking tactic, indeed."
ReplyDelete"Silence as we exit, lest we attract any remaining denizens, once we are clear of the valley we can converse more openly." Lucien basically repeats the same in draconic for the kobold.
Once out of the valley, Talmark quips "Well now, we have no need to go easy on those Hobgoblins anymore." To the rescues he he says "We had been searching for you, Geneve. Berowalt has been beside himself since your capture and the 'good brother knights' would do nothing to aid in retrieving you. Mandel, I am sorry to say that we had no idea you were missing, but glad we found you all the same. After a some rest we will finish off the rest of that Bugbear tribe to avenge your treatment, then return focus to the other badies. Say Mandel, any chance you may be able to make me a new Tabard, perhaps something with a symbol for our little band that we can create? It would be nice to be able to leave 'calling cards' to those we have vanquished, and perhaps to strike fear into those we target next." He looks to his companions. "What do you think? A company emblem?"
ReplyDelete"An excellent idea," Per responds. "I shall wear mine with pride. Do you have any suggestions for such an emblem?"
ReplyDeleteLucien slyly smiles, "For most of us, our faith favors a stylized red pentagram on a field of black," he hesitates slightly to gauge the reaction of the rescued, "I am content to leave the details of the design to those more interested, I would request that a red pentagram is incorporated somehow in the design, however."
ReplyDeleteAlmost there. Just haven't quite had the time to finish off the next post.