Hello, my name is Tim and I’m addicted to war
Haha I always feel that when I meet new people,
especially at a war gaming convention this should pretty much be a standard
But more seriously, I’ve been getting
absolutely smashed at work recently and it hasn’t allowed me enough spare time
to really pursue the Pathfinder campaign.
And firstly, before I go on, I must sincerely apologise
for that, especially to the players who have been involved in the campaign with
Unfortunately, I think I’m going to be under
this heavy work load and travel requirement for a while which isn’t great for
Without having the time needed to purse the
Pathfinder campaign (which really requires greater continuity and more frequent
posting to really keep the momentum going) and being inspired by The Wargame
Addict’s recent campaign I figured I might do a small solo campaign for All
Things Zombie.
So here we go.
I thought I’d start with the Day One supplement
to get into the swing of things.

Working through some of the other basic
starting stats, we won’t be Star’s, we’ve got a fair bit of food in the house
(4 units), plenty of hand to hand weapons but no firearms (hey it’s Australia and
we banned all that stuff long ago - although I do own a 30 pound recurve bow,
which by the way is legal), I’ve got my Pick Up Truck which has 4 units of fuel
and Amanda has her Sedan which has 1 unit of fuel, we’ve got a small boat which
has another 2 units of fuel and I always have some spare in two gerry cans
(another 2 units of fuel) and we’ve got 1 unit of luxury items (being booze –
in fact many people have said to me that I’d be alright in the apocalypse,
right up till when I’d run out of beer……shudder).
For the start of the campaign I think I’ll just
say I’m working from the office (urban environment), rather than out in the
bush where I sometimes work and I think what I would do in the circumstances is
to get my car, get out of the city to a local supermarket for a few supplies and
then get home. Amanda typically works from home, so she’ll just start there.
So, the first mission will be ‘Vehicle’.
--- 000 ---
“This past week has been crazy,” Tim thought to himself.
“News stories about people getting sick and attacking each other. It’s like they’re
turning into some type of crazed cannibals. Still the world must go on. The
authorities will manage this mess. They always had in the past so why wouldn’t
they now”.
It was about mid-morning on Tuesday. The work load
was piling up then the phone service suddenly went out. “Friggin Telstra.
That’s three times in the past 12 months”, Tim exclaimed.
And then suddenly, a large booming voice sounds from
the window. Tim and his co-workers rush curiously to the noise and look out from
the office. A police car slows and stops. “Be advised the dead are walking the
earth and are attacking the living. Stay indoors and lock yourself in until
further notice”.
Brendon, Tim’s manager exclaims, “Yeah right, the
dead are coming back. What bull. And screw staying here. Everyone pack up and
get out. Get back to your families as soon as you can.”
Tim quickly bundles all his paper work and his laptop
into his locker and grabs his keys. Heading for the stairs he knows that his
truck is only a couple of blocks away. “I’ll grab the car and get out of the
city”, he thinks, “then I’ll pick up a bit more food on the way home. Hopefully
Amanda stays there and doesn’t come out looking for me.”
Walking briskly down the street it doesn’t take long
before he can see his truck. But there are three crazy looking people between
him and the truck.
“Hmmm”, Tim thinks, “I’ll try to avoid em. They could
be crazy rioters for all I know. I’ll cross the road and go up the right hand
side till I get around them.”
Before Tim can get going three more people come rushing
out of the building on the left in front of the truck. They run straight at
Tim, by passing the first lot of people, who seemed to be just milling around.
“Sod it”, he thinks to himself as he dashes across
the road to the bench.
Tim stops for a moment as he sees the new group still
moving towards him. Suddenly someone from the building just to his right opens
up the front door and yells out to him, “Hey! Buddy. Get in here quick before
all these goons get you!”
It’s a generous offer but before he can even say
thanks another group runs around the corner towards him.
A general melee breaks out where the two of the
three groups start battling it out. In a moment two people are on the ground
and the attackers start jumping on them and continue to attack them.
“It’s pell-mell” Tim whispers to himself under his
Everyone who can starts to scatter as the melee gets
more viscous.
< What
had happened is that the two PEF’s had resolved with 3 citizens each. They had
rushed towards me, as per the rules in the Day One supplement, but then in the
next initiative the zeds had gone first and charged the group closest to them.
Two of that party when OD/OOF and the zeds started to feast. When the citizens
activated they needed to take a Citizens Brown Pants test and three of the four
ran, with one just left stunned, looking on. >
Tim takes the opportunity to skirt around the melee
and he double moves towards his faithful pick up truck.
The remaining citizen is frozen, watching the
viscous fight. Blood seems to be spurting out everywhere as Tim keeps moving to
his car.
He gets in, fumbles for just a second with the keys
and then the big straight 5, 3.2 litre turbo charged diesel fires up. He floors
it and leaves the carnage behind him.
--- 000 ---
And that’s why I love All Things Zombie. Jeez I’d
forgotten how tense it is to play. No way did I think I was going to get
through it. I thought for sure that the three zeds would get me and I’d be a
first day victim. But then the PEF’s came to my rescue.
Thanks Ed. Great gaming system.