Day 3 – Burg Liechenstein
Lucien responds, “Knight Lorenz, I am sorely vexed by your lack of
confidence in us. And what are our men, the True Spear Company to think that
you allowed us to take them to what you thought was their doom?”
DM’s Note: Lucien has undertaken
this action to attempt to manipulate, to somewhat shame Lorenz to make him
predisposed to be more accommodating to make up for it later. This is quite an
innovative use of the rules. To simulate the success or not of this we’ll take
a straight DC+0 test to be successful and if successful a future bonus of +5
will be given to a future Diplomacy test. Lorenz’s attitude is indifferent so
the DC is 15 + 0 = 15 and Lucien has a Diplomacy modifier of 12 so he’ll need
to roll a 3 or better. He rolls a 13 and gains a future one off favorable
modifier which he can use at his discretion.
“Err well, I only meant….” Lorenz never gets to finish the sentence
before Lucien dismisses his response with a wave. He turns to Talmark and asks,
“Talmark, why don’t you introduce our new friend, newly rescued from certain
Sildar shuffles forward and makes the sign of the open palm salute to
which Knight Lorenz proffers a return salute.
He thanks the party and calls forth two of the brothers to take the
weakened Sildar away for rest and recuperation.
“In the meantime, you’ll need to pay the entrance fee.” Knight Lorenz
puts his hand out, “One each for you Talmark, Lucien and Kord, five for the
True Spear Mercenary Company and one for Sildar. That’s 9gp thanks.”
Outraged that they’ve got to pay another fee and that they’ve got to
pay for Sildar, Lucien begins to argue with the Knight.
“There is no debate”, answers Lorenz, “the rules are the law and if you
want to enter you’ll need to pay the fee.”
Begrudgingly Lucien pays the fee and the party enter the Burg.
DM’s note: I realise that at this
point the party might have wanted to barter or negotiate between themselves and
the True Spear Mercenary Company as to who was liable to pay for their fee. To
just keep the story kicking along I moved on without checking with the players.
If they players wish to recover the fee from the Company, they still have the opportunity
as they currently owe the Company 10gp (5gp for one day’s fees and 5gp for one
day’s upkeep). For the sake of pre-empting this potential desire of the players,
if they do wish to recover the entrance fee the Company will argue that the
entrance fee is part of their costs and so their patron is liable for that cost
as well as their living costs (of 1gp each per man per day). If the party
recovers the fee from them there isn’t much they can do about it (they could
try to take it to a tribunal but they probably won’t) but they probably will
let everyone know that they’ve been jiped and they’ll leave the employ of the
It’s late and the party and the men at arms retire to the Cold Hart
Tavern to recuperate.
He approaches the party and introduces himself as Malandir………
He tells them of his background.
Malandir is 6'3'', 125lbs, athletically built. He has blue grey eyes
and pale, almost white blond hair. His skin is pale as a result of spending
most of his life underground.
Personal Morale: Malandir is
self-assured, confident, but is no hero. Having nobody, he owes nothing to
anyone ... and will not sacrifice himself. He sees any party he joins as a
means to an end, a source of money and opportunity. If they are outnumbered by
four to one, or a fight that he thinks they cannot win, he will seek an opportune
moment to save himself.
Key hates or likes: Malandir
hates LG clerics and paladins. They destroyed his home and he will seek revenge
against all such NPCs, but he is not going to throw his life away. He also
despises music, especially annoying little Halfling bards......
Interacting with non-party
members: Malandir speaks as little as possible to ordinary folk, having
little time for them and a great distain for non-Drow or half Drow like
Combat strategy: Fight from
distance using his longbow, preferably from cover on a flank, always with an
exit route. If cornered, use his longsword to fight his way out.
Interacting with doors: Search
the door approach and frame for traps, listen and test locks carefully. Easy
does it .....
Party formation: Either
scouting well to the Front, especially in low light conditions where his dark
vision allows him to not use a light source. Otherwise, when combat imminent,
on the flank or to the rear with a good line of sight.
General Demeanor: Quiet,
reserved, watchful. He drinks but little, preferring not to dull his senses. He
is too smart to try stealing things in large towns, but on the road any
innocents or traders he meets might be fair game for a little sporting theft.
He will present himself to any party as a scout for hire and remain focused on
the mission in order to win their favour and trust. He has a taste for goblin
biltong which he makes, and likes to fashion his own arrows.
DM’s Note: And onto a bit of
admin. The following table provides an overview of NPC’s that the party have
meet and NPC’s that they may not have as yet met but have heard of as some
stage. The Attitude column is the NPC’s current attitude towards the party and
it also represents which NPC’s the party have meet so far (ie no attitude then
they haven’t been met as yet). The Known Personality trait is just that but not
all personality traits are necessarily known by the party at this point in
time. I have a random personality trait table that I’ve been using to develop
the NPC personalities. It’s quite handy actually because it adds a lot of
randomness to the roles of the NPCs (there are 20 different personalities on
the table). Generally there are two personality traits for most of key NPC’s
but some, such as the men at arms, only have one.
{Eeew, goblin jerky? Malandir sounds like a kook, haha! Is he a PC or NPC?}
ReplyDeleteTalmark doesn't mind having to pay the entry fee for the mercs, as that would seem to him to be part of their employ. However, having to pay every time they enter could get expensive if we keep taking day excursions. A base of operations of our own would cut back on this, however also need a lot of upkeep and defense... When they are outside of earshot of the Knights he will say to Lucien and Kord "Some day, when we rule these lands, they will have to pay a fee to leave their little fort. ...if we let them continue to live."
One thing Talmark will be looking for after this jaunt will be healing potions. He learned the lesson that there is so such thing as "enough to go around", and he felt a little shamed that the mercs, though disposable to our ends, were not kept up as he was. It's a fellow-warrior thing, as well as the sort of feeling Captains should have for their men...
This Rogue fellow is also intriguing to him. He leans over to Lucien and Kord and says in a hopefully low voice "A scout and sneak-feet could prove invaluable, especially in those caves and the castle. I don't know if we can trust him as far as we can throw him, but I would like his service as long as he is tracked with a weather-eye."
I am assuming that we will be talking to the Capt about rewards and to the LionShield Traders in the morning?
Malandir is a PC. We've got 4 characters now which round out the party nicely.
ReplyDeleteRegarding Diplomacy... a successful Diplomacy check can move the attitude of a person 1 step for every 5 over the DC that was rolled. A general PF rule is that you cannot move someone more than 2 steps. BUT – Asmodean Advocates, as an archetype ability, can move someone three steps with a high enough roll. This means that with a successful check where the roll and bonus added are 15pts higher than the DC, Lucien can move a target from Indifferent to Helpful, or from Hostile to Friendly.
ReplyDeleteThis is accomplished through conversation, so unless a fight is going on for an extended period of time (like a full minute), it cannot be attempted in combat. BUT it CAN be started in the surprise round and possibly delay or prevent combat with a hostile before it starts...
When we see the Captain, Lucien will make our case...
“Captain, we would request a most reasonable accommodation from the Burg.
Hearing of the travails and dangers to trade and civilization in these parts, we three have travelled here over the course of many days for the specific purpose of lending our weapons, arts and blood to the task of making these lands safer for the free exchange of goods. The bounty for our efforts regarding the trophies is appropriate and adequate to the task, but we feel the fee to regain entry to the Burg each and every time is a nuisance, especially after risking our necks for the good of the Burg, its traders and travelers. Out of our own pockets we have added to our three to bolster the pacification of these lands.
Is there not some arrangement that can be made wherein our party, so long as we are returning with trophies of our efforts to keep this area safe, may receive consideration regarding the entry fee? We can call it, 'informal recognition,' of the risks we are taking.
After all, it is not just the safety of the Burg, but the reputation of the leadership here as peacekeepers are as well bolstered by our efforts.”
Regarding Malandir, Lucien agrees with Talmark that a sneaky git would be most helpful, "shall I retire to draft up a contract while you and Kord interview the prospect?"
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ReplyDeleteON second thought, Lucien initially has an air of distain towards Malandir. He is half-breed. The only saving grace is that he's not half-human half-breed. He is still full elf. Lucien quickly "gets over it."
ReplyDelete"Oh yes, Lucien, a good contract is definitely in order. As is my intent to enforce it rigorously."
ReplyDeleteThen Lucien will draft up a straight contract, at these lower levels, he is not wanting to attempt hidden caveats to his writings, and I as a player do not wish to go PvP. As we are all resting up, we four should discuss our next potential target.
ReplyDeleteIf we decide to go to Caves of Chaos or Cragmaw Castle, we could use the cave we just cleared as a waypoint to retreat and rest at if the target is too tough to tackle in one outing. It's a defensible position, rather than trying to push all the way back to the Burg or risk camping out in the open.
Maybe we could trail a caravan heading the West-by-Northwest route and splinter off to get to the Cave or Castle; so we have more back-up on the travels there?
I like that Caravan suggestion, that really works well for added protection while we travel, as well as we may garner some rewards if we end up having to defend it from attack. ...and there's the added intelligence and networking value as well.
ReplyDeleteI am keen to get a look at that "abandoned" castle, but it's distance puts us at a bit of risk. I do like using the cleared cave as a camp (after we deal with the merchandise left there) as long as it remains clear. I don't know if we should build a barricade/door just inside the mouth, leave traps, or what to keep it "safe", but we cannot afford a permanent guard at this time.
Regardless of where we go, I think we should survey the target and surrounding areas for a short time, 2 or 3 days, so we know what we are dealing with before plunging headlong into higher odds than we can handle.