Thursday, 8 February 2018

5150 Progress

Guys just a quick post to show a little progress.
The fleet is coming along and I’m getting some of the opponents painted. It’s starting to look good I think.
Really looking forward to the first game which will only be a week or so away.
The first pic is of the current fleet with a few enemy fighters. The second fleet is where I’m up to with the enemy. You can see a few capital ships, x wings, a couple of y wings and the Millennium Falcon.The Falcon is a particularly nice model.


  1. Coming along nicely, I'm not familiar with the range at all, what sort of size is the falcon?

    1. They are quite small. I think the x wings are about 9mm long and the falcon I guess would be about 12-15mm. But they are designed to be small enough so that you can have capital ships on the table.

      They do have a bigger, 1 inch long, range as well which if you were just interested in fighters without capital ships you'd use.

      I've got a few more to paint up but once I get them all done I might knock up a bit of a review.

  2. That is a lovely collection of starships and fighters. I recognise the big grey ships as I have them in my own collection. I also painted mine grey, but slightly lighter than yours.

    1. Yeah I'm still on the fence about my paint job. They're turning up pretty dark one the photo aren't they? But still they'll do for the moment. I'm into the support ships now so I'm getting there.

  3. These are looking really neat - I especially like the idea of such small models which will allow plenty of "space" on a 3ft table.
    Looking forward to seeing them in action :-)

    1. Thanks for that. I'm really hoping this week to get the first gaming going. Should be a lot of fun.
