Ahh 40k, how much we used to love
The following is a few images
from an old comic that I used to produce about seven years ago when gaming 40k
5ed with a group of mates.
There are a lot of memories there.
Anyway, recently a mate of mine convinced
me on the weekend that 8th ed is the bomb and it was time for us to
give it a go again.
So I picked up a copy of the
rules and had a bit of a read. Whilst sitting and working out some lists for
our first game I figured I should do a review.
In terms of the physical product,
Games Workshop have once again produced an outstanding publication. The main
rule book is some 280 pages long, with beautiful glossy pages, magnificent art,
nicely bound and protected with a quality hard cover. There are a couple of
reasons why Games Workshop is a massive force in gaming and the soundness and
quality of their physical product is usually one of them.

6th and 7th
ed’s were pretty similar, more a refinement than a new set of rules, compared
to 5th ed, but 8th ed is truly a new edition with many
changes and a different flavour to game play. The game is very different to
previous editions but definitely still has a 40k feel to it. For example, there
are no fire arcs any more, vehicles have hit points and toughness values and
are treated kinda like a large creature used to be in previous editions, there
are no more templates but rather previously templated weapons now hit a number
of models, usually a random number, cover is simplified, to hit rolls have been
simplified, weapons now have a negative effect on the armour save rather than
the AP value of old. For the most part none of these changes, to me, are a bad
thing, but rather they are just different. I’m going to miss the glee of
placing a large Str 9, AP 3 template down on the table but then again I can see
the advantage of just rolling d6 to see how many models have been effected,
much quicker.

Each of these books is reasonably
priced at about $40AUD each and covers the all the rules normally covered in a
codex minus most of the fluff (which is quite heavily covered in the Core Rule
Book in any case).
This is a very welcome innovation
and, to be frank, was the deal maker that got me to decide to re-invest in 40k.
No waiting two years and spending approximately $80 to $100AUD’s per Codex to
have it redundant shortly after the purchase of the last one. Now I’ve got all
the lists, which total about 800 pages over the five volumes, for what I think
is a reasonable price of $200AUD and they’ll probably be current for two to
three years.
Over the years I’ve collected a
reasonably extensive set of armies including large Space Marine and Imperial
Guard armies (about 4,000 to 5,000 points of each) as well as pretty decent
armies for Eldar, Orks, Chaos Marines (about 2,000 to 3,000 points each) and
have started Necron and T’au armies (probably got about 1,000 point of each).
So for me I can immediately get back into the game with any of these forces.
That is a great boon.
Whilst the Indexes span some 800
pages, they are very summary in their format, very workman like in their nature
as they are mainly stats, but they do cover probably every model that there is
to be had. They are clear and well laid out and there are summary pages for
each army at the end of each book.
There is a lot of flexibility in
list building and I’m now eagerly awaiting my chance to get my first game on
against my regular 40k opponent.
So there you go. A brief review
but I hope it’s informed your thinking about the merit of the product. To me
the fact that it still feels like 40k but has changed from previous editions is
welcome as is the simplification of the rules and the sheer ease and
affordability to get back in the game. The fact that the game plays quicker is
a bonus as well.
I’m not always a great fan of the
way that Games Workshop have treated their customers over the years but in this
case, well done.
I got 40K troops all the way back to the early 80's. My problem is I got hooked on the Flight of fantasy Heresy series. Talk about a great series for role player. Flight of fantasy had just released their latest adventure Death Watch. This was last year. But for some they lost or give up the license for Games Workshop. You can find more on my blog http://gary-oldsargeswargameandmodelblog.blogspot.com/search/label/40k
ReplyDeleteGreat review...
Fantasy Flight Games are good aren't they. I've got Death Watch. Very good read. Haven't had the chance as yet to play it but sometimes it's just nice to have the books to read them.
DeleteBummer they gave up the license.
Thanks for the link to your articles.
Great review of the new rules Tim - it would be nice to think that GW have taken steps to improve how they treat their customer base.
ReplyDeleteLove the look of the old "comic" and hope we can look forward to similar battle reports when you get stuck back into 40K gaming :-)
Yes we can only hope can't we. Still this edition seems to be going in the right direction.
ReplyDeleteThe old comic was a bit of a hit with the lads but she used to take a bit to produce. I've got a game scheduled for this weekend so I'll see if i can whip out the camera and get a few pictures in. At least put together some type of battle report.