Talmark whispers to Lucien "As you have The Mark open
and visible, you being spokesman may incite them. Maybe I should just repeat
what we told the others?"
“Well considered, Talmark. Unless they give unwarranted
insult, I'll hold my tongue and observe,” responds Lucien.
Talmark looks non-plussed and says "I know of their
fate, but do not feel like talking about it at the moment, as your ill-mannered
barging in has interrupted this man's story to which we are riveted. You may
wait your turn."
He then turns to Sildar.
"Go on Sildar, continue. Tell us more about this
dragon. Is he as horrible as they say? Why have the troglodytes split?"
Everyone in the bar
turns back to Sildar and he continues his story. “The troglodytes are evil and
chaotic. They are bestial, mostly only caring for the moment and their personal
“Hmpth” thinks Lucien to himself. Reflecting more on the
ironic statement and the nature of the Irori religion he thinks “Personal
satisfaction, all the Irorians care about it self-perfection, a form of
personal satisfaction. So selfish and vain. To think that they’ve captured this
mountain stronghold just to use it to train their minds and bodies in relative
seclusion and that they haven’t bothered to gather the power that it gives
them. Even the attempt to clear Bymbir is just a training exercise and not an
exercise in increasing and maintaining their power. So wasteful. They are no
real threat to us. In fact their Lawful Neutral nature will be of benefit to us
as they are so tolerant of outsiders, as long the outsiders continue to obey
the Irorian rules.”
“But these Torags, they are much more dangerous. They are so
much more mission orientated. They crave the safety of their people and will
aggressively conquer their perceived enemies to secure new lands for their
people. Even when they explore, it is to achieve something. Whilst many of
their followers are dwarves there are many humans too. This group however looks
like it’s mostly from the old church.”

Moritz is a human paladin and clearly the group’s leader.
Johannes is their spiritual leader, a dwarven cleric.
Yannick appears to be their champion dwarven fighter.

They are all well
equipped. Better equipped than the Brothers of the Burg. Armed with warhammers,
axes, swords, spears and crossbows, they represent quite a coordinated and well
trained fighting force.”

Turning his attention back to the energetic Sildar he
catches the rest of the story.
“Bymbir is said to be a massive, ferocious white dragon.
Dwelling on the remote, frozen mountain top, he is rarely seen but is said to
live in a cave full of glittering ice and snow. His cave is also home to his
larder of frozen humanoids, who his followers continuously feed to him to keep
his appetite satisfied.”
Turning to Talmark, Sildar directly answers his question,
“No one knows why the troglodytes have split. All we do know is that the
troglodytes at the Caves of Chaos have brought together an army of humanoids,
such as orcs, bugbears, hobgoblins, goblins and gnolls, which we believe they
are going to use to take over the mountains, including this Burg and the pass
between the Menador Mountains which the Burg protects. They are the biggest
threat to the Burg as the troglodytes in the mountains rarely venture out of
them, save to occasionally raid for some food for Bymbir.”